Unplugged: I grew up in the 80s and 90s. There was no such thing as “screen time” when I was a kid because by the time our dial-up internet connected and we were welcomed by AOL, we had forgotten why we were even staring at the screen! The longest we ever spent on the computer was to attempt to travel the Oregon Trail without dying of Dysentery! BP (Before Prison), I don’t think I would have even entertained the idea of being unplugged or disconnected. So much of our lives are dependent on or driven by being plugged in and connected. Seriously, think about how many times you google something in a day! What was life even like before we had unlimited information at our fingertips? What did we do when we actually had to talk to each other face to face, when we had to rely on passing notes in middle school, and when we didn’t have social media to convey a picture perfect life? Prison was like returning to life in the 80s and 90s in so many ways...